Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hannah's 1st Field Trip~ The ZOO

Hannah just couldn't wait for her 1st bus ride to the Zoo!! Every day she would ask is it Zoo day yet.... it couldn't come quick enough for both of us :) I was excited for her too. So excited that I decided I would be a chaperone, and go with her. So we packed our lunch and waited and waited in the classroom waiting for the bus to show up. It was LATE and trying to get kindergarteners to understand time is not easy but her teacher did a great job at keeping them all occupied. We found out that the bus was late due to the Highway Patrol stoping it for a inspection. Needless to say we had a very safe bus. Fall time is a great time to go to the Zoo. The animals were very active, it's not crowded and the weather couldn't have been better. Hannah's class later in the week did a Zoo day, where each child dressed up like their favorite animal and told some facts about that animal. Hannah picked an elephant. So she colored some paper plates and I stitched them onto a head band. She refused to let me make her a nose though.

Julia turned 10 this week. 10!! I can't believe it.... She wanted to have a friend party so she invited 10 friends to come for a costume party. EVERY ONE came! We had a full house. But she had a lot of fun. They played some fun games, decorated cupcakes and danced. We went as a family to have dinner and help her celebrate a little more.

We also had our family pictures taken. My family came from St. George, and Vegas to have them done. It was fun to spend time with every one. And the pictures turned our wonderful. Thanks to Suzanne Southam and her wonderful talent of capturing my children so beautifully.

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Summer 2008
