Monday, September 20, 2010

I Fell In To A Burn' Ring Of Fire!!

This was the view from our backyard last night. Scary isn't it! We noticed the fire around 5:00 yesterday when Jeremy was out starting the fire in our firepit so we could cook our dinner. Jeremy came in and asked if I had noticed the fire? I said yes I've been watching it. I went into the back to help get the steaks on and I said, "Look the mountains on fire!" Jeremy said that's what I just asked if you had seen. Ha Ha Ha well I thought he was talking about the fire in the pit..... Dumb Me, I'm a little slow I guess. Not to make light of the serious fire Herriman had last night though. Three families lost their homes. And thousands of others had to leave their homes for the night to find another place to stay. How scary would that be to have to only take a few things and hope and pray that your home wasn't destroyed by fire.
We were headed home from visting with Jeremy's parents when the flames started to reach the top of the mountain and make their way down the other side. We just happened to be listening to Jonathan's favorite song; "Ring Of Fire" by Johnny Cash. Better known in our house as "Uncle Mikes song". So were watching the flames get bigger and bigger as we are headed home, singing at the top of our lungs "I feeellll in to a burning ring of fire, I went down down down and the flames went hire, and it burns burns burns the ring of fire, the ring of fire"
Once we got home the kids hurried to get their PJ's on and ready for bed. It was so addicting to watch we couldn't drag ourselves away from watching it. We had the camera, we had our lawn chairs and we had the binoculars. We have friends who live up on the hill and were hoping and praying that they were getting out safe and that their homes would be saved. With the binoculars we could see the fire truck lights and tons of helicopters and planes flying above the area.
I think I have failed to make mention how the fire started. The army artillary men were out firing their machine guns their routine monthly practice. And I heard on the news that they name the fires so name "Machine Gun Fire" Seems fitting. Needless to say the army had many of their men helping to detain the fire. As it should be if you ask me.
I am happy to report that our friends homes were saved, thank heavens. They have expressed their love and thank for all the well wishes and prayers that were sent their way. But we continue to pray for those three families who lost thier homes and so many memories. Love to them!

1 comment:

bundy family said...

So I was telling Jake about the fire, and apparently when he was getting ready to go to Iraq and doing all of his pre deployment stuff at Camp Williams, the same thing happened, only his crew was able to put the fire out before it got out of control. So SAD!!


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